Dufferin County has approved its latest Strategic Plan.
The County says the new plan will carry them from 2023 through to 2026.
Officials say the plan will guide Council and staff as the County plans for the future including operational plans, the annual budget, recommendations to Council and day-to-day decision making.
They say the plan was put together through collaboration with the community, Council and staff.
Dufferin County is looking to contribute to positive and meaningful outcomes that make Dufferin a great place to live, do business and visit and officials say this plan will be the roadmap for that to happen.
There are five priority areas under the Strategic Plan, and each priority area has corresponding goals:
– Climate and Environment: which will see the county establish itself as a leader in climate action while also enhancing and conserving Dufferin’s natural environment.
– Community: where the County will increase affordable and attainable housing options while at the same time supporting community well-being and safety through collaboration and partnerships.
– Economy: officials say they want to advance County-wide economic and workforce development and improve broadband and cellular connectivity.
– Governance: the County wants to identify opportunities to improve governance and service delivery along with improving the County’s internal and external communications
– Equity: its time to align programs, services and infrastructure with changing community needs and make sure the County is an inclusive, equitable and supportive Employer of Choice
Meanwhile, the County is also adopting Climate and Equity Lenses that they say will be applied across the entire administration.